6 reasons why you should not respond to an RFP

It's always nice to be asked to respond to an RFP.

Deciding whether or not you should respond though will depend on a number of key factors. 

Below are 6 reasons why you should say "no" [politely] to an invitation to respond to an RFP:

Do we have the required expertise and experience?
If we submit a response, do we have the necessary expertise and experience to complete the job?

If not, don't go for it!!

Capacity and Resources
If we do have the experience and expertise to win the job, do we have the capacity/resources to actually do the job?

If not, don't go for it!!

Does the job fit with our business goals/strategy?
If we win this job, does it align with our business values and goals? 
If not, don't go for it!

Can we make some money from this job?
Are we going to make some money from dong this job?
If not, don't go for it!

Are the deliverables and deadlines reasonable?
Can we deliver on time with a product that will boost our market reputations?

If not, don't go for it!

Who else has being invited to respond?
Have lots of our competitors been invited to tender?

If so, what set’s apart? Don’t know - don't go for it!

If, having considered all of the above, you still believe that your firm should go ahead and make a submission and you need help, drop us an email!


15 things you should include in your Bids and Tenders Content Library


5 Questions to ask before responding to an RFP/RFT